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Monday, July 2, 2012

TV Series - Game Of Thrones - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

HBO is known for movies and sports and series that could NEVEN be shown over-the-air broadcast TV.This is definitely one and thats a crying shame.Two season in the books and awaiting a third.Much like "Downton Abbey"from PBS there is much to discover here,but,unlike that series that I reviewed early,its far more graphic and that may turn off many.Thats the only reason I took 1/2 star off.It could have been just another "Lord of the Rings"but by its sexual and violent nature it strove to be so much more.Dare I say Greek or even Shakespeare in nature.Pity,life is cruel and unjust,a series that wants to "tell"a life story must be as well.The story is by no means simple or easy to explain.Like a soap opera,you must give yourself to it.Or as I saw in some nameless movie reference by a nameless character reading like something out of "South Park",OMG they killed Ed Stark"!!!!!!
This series begins by introducing us to the "Stark"clan,Ed being played by Sean Bean and the characters name he portrays is really named Eddard Stark and he is beheaded in the 9th episode.This is a fantasy land that never existed like Lord of the rings.You must remember that at all times because as the story unfolds with new clans and characters,so does new lands and territories.Basically there is a confederation of 7 thrones ruled by one king.Over hundreds of years this included one family that could control Dragons. These various families also inbreed in many cases and arranged political marriages in others.On one level this series is full of violent killing in wars of conquest and also full of sex portrayed as a equally driving force of human nature as conquest is.Sexual or violently territorial ,conquest is conquest.
On another level its a story of families that are dysfunctional and perversive but really,no more than say Michael Corleone's.but more graphically portrayed.
But into this mix is also thrown,witches,warlocks,dragons and "white walkers"which seem to be zombies !!!!! There is also a great wall separating this crazy world from a even darker and colder one of long nights and cold winters that last for years at a time and are populated by savage other humans called "wildings" and the"white walkers"which are enemies of all,the wildings and the families that play that"game of thrones"
It goes on and on.Based on a series of books still being written by George R. R. Martin who has assisted in writing 2 of the episodes in the series.
All I can say is its a great ride if you take the sex and violence and I think most of you can.
I first turned on the series,never hearing of George R. R. Martin and his books,just to see Lena Headey     as Cersei Lannister.I've loved her from the "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles ,but I stayed because of two truly ground breaking and Emmy deserving performances by Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister  who is a dwarf but also as deformed  as all the other characters,only he is more visible as a dwarf. He is also a more honest character than all the others.Amazing !!! Then there is Maisie Williams ,who plays the youngest girl of the Stark clan,Arya Stark.Not since Dorothy  in Wizard of Oz,has a child actress meant so much to a story and played it so well.One hopes she has a better "real"life then Judy had.
There is no DVD's yet but their coming soon and reruns can be seen on HBO.I live for the third season and tell you its must see TV. Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Political and sexual intrigue is pervasive. Robert Baratheon, King of Westeros, asks his old friend Eddard, Lord Stark, to serve as Hand of the King, or highest official. Secretly warned that the previous Hand was assassinated, Eddard accepts in order to investigate further. Meanwhile the Queen's family, the Lannisters, may be hatching a plot to take power. Across the sea, the last members of the previous and deposed ruling family, the Targaryens, are also scheming to regain the throne. The friction between the houses Stark, Lannister and Baratheon, and with the remaining great houses Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, and Tyrell, leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Amidst the war and political confusion, a neglected military order of misfits, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and icy horrors beyond. Written by Tfilm78 and Cajunman

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