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Monday, July 16, 2012

Caddyshack - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Again remember, humor is oh so subjective.For me,there are but 2 reasons to see this otherwise low brow, poor taste comedy about the most boring sport there is.First,the late no respect Rodney Dangerfield and second,the spaced out role of assistant groundskeeper charged with killing a oh so cute gopher,played by a young Bill Murray.That is enough to check out this comedy but is it a"classic"like"Animal House",or even "Stripes"( both of which I have reviewed earlier) NO !!!! Released in 1980 and running only 98 minutes I took 2 stars off for being a very simple comedy.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

An exclusive golf course has to deal with a brash new member and a destructive dancing gopher.

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