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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 Days of War - 5 stars out of 5 stars

How can I explain why I gave this film a perfect 5 stars?? Well we will start with the fact this film was released in 2011 and running 113 minutes,about about a War in 2008.That makes it a first film for that war.
Second its about a war few even know happened as it lasted but 5 days and was up against the Olympics in China for media attention.Yes thats true,look it up.
Third its from a smaller film company that spent its budget on location shooting it seems.
Forth,the war involves my ancestral home country of Russia.
Five,it also involved another country with boots on the ground AT OUR SIDE in Iraq,GEORGIA.
Six ,some real interesting casting.
Seven,the story is based on facts.
Eight,its also a story of those forgotten press who live and die to get a story out,literally.
Nine,its combat scenes are as intensely realistic as any I've seen.
Ten,the other 9 reasons make it the kinda gem of a film we live for.
Now to the war itself,this film contributes little to the understanding of why the war happened at all,but,isn't that true in many cases? Really people,BE HONEST !!!!!
The casting,well,I turned in to see Heather Graham and Andy Garcia and Val Kilmer with other unknowns to see how it would mix and i wasn't to optimistic.Damned if Heather isn't killed in the opening scene and Val is little seen till he's killed late in the film,BUT Andy is good as the Georgian President but not really needed as I said earlier,it's really about the press,not politics.
Now the press, thats Rupert Friend playing Thomas Anders, the reporter the story is built around, and he really does grow on you as the film moves along.AH,but Johnathon Schaech as Cpt. Rezo Avaliani ,a Georgian who saved Thomas in Iraq and then in Georgia has some acting career ahead !!!!
As to the war itself,don't look to this movie as truth,as it said itself at the very beginning,the first casualty of war IS the truth.No,this story is as stated before,a tribute to the people who cover it.Trailer URL follows the pix.If your looking for a war gem of a film,SEE IT.

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