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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Krull - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Fantasy meets sci-fi back in 1983 and we are all better for it.James Horner did the sound track and we all know him as one of the best,Star Trek,Titanic ect. Early Liam Neeson small role.Be lov'in me best english character actor Freddie Jones and a good cast down the line.The story is silly enough,sort of King Arthur meets Stargate on the way to star wars or some such nonsense.Thats not important.Its fantasy like Lord of the rings with a lot of good old fashion honor and a true love quest.Running a long 121 minutes and being limited as really a tail for us never growed up kids,I had to take 1 and 1/2 stars off.
Remember its not Earth,Krull is the PLANET of choice for trhis fantasy so go with it if you still a kid and a romantic.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

From the sky will come the Black Fortress. From the Fortress will come the Slayers to devour the planet of Krull. Then shall a girl of ancient name become queen...she shall choose a king...and together they shall rule the planet. And their son shall rule the galaxy. Written by Stanford Sherman

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