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Monday, May 2, 2011

Path to Paradise 3 stars out of 5 stars

Took 2 stars off because docudramas are rarely excellent using actors to portray whom we all really know unless they are all dead and the event or peoples lives was long ago and we ONLY have the actors to draw on.That said this movie is very prophetic and as such makes it more than docudrama,its a unheeded warning.Thats why when we celebrate Osama's death we dare not forget what the WTC attack he organized was planned earlier and failed and this film is THAT story.The lesson is targets of opportunity in a free society are know to all who wish us harm,not just the mad leaders like a Osama.I won't therefore review it like I usually would since the story should be well know.Instead I'll just say that as Ramzi Ahmed Yousef  played by Art Malik is in custody and being taken to a detention area via a helicopter over the WTC he remarks,"next time we will bring them both down"Bravado,yes,but this movie was made in 1997 and the event happened in 1993.HBO is to be commended for a gutsy call to show a very scary threat they was fulfilled.The movies 91 minutes.A brief plot for those who have forgotten.Written by Bob Farnsworth

The incredible story of the events leading up to the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York and the capture of the terrorists. The amazing thing is that the FBI had an informant among the terrorists, but refused to pay him $500/wk for more information. They eventually had to pay $1 million and place him in the witness protection program. A story of incompetence on all sides.

I'll just add that the attack is shown intermixed with actual media footage. Trailer URL is below pix.

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