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Friday, May 20, 2011

The Other Guys 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2010 at 107 minutes this might be the newest film I've reviewed to date.
Let me state my position on comedies up front.They might be the hardest films to make for many reasons including is the "joke"funny the second time around?What is funny changes with your age,sex and there is generation humor as well.In short,the odds of you and me laughing at more than 50 % of the same things is not so high.I took 2 1/2 stars off because I will NOT buy this film as I don't think I'll laugh as much the second time around and well the humor ties into the plot in such a way that I don't buy into the premise at all!!.
Then why GIVE it 2 1/2 stars at all?? Well that means I think your chances of enjoying it one time is 50-50 and so I'll recommend it on those terms.Interesting enough I was very surprised by the two lead actors.Will Ferrell who I've cared for all that much,as Detective Allen Gamble,rises to understated goofiness on a early Tom Hanks level.I hope THAT continues.Sadly Mark Wahlberg    ,who I love as a actor,plays Detective Terry Hoitz and has NO comedic talent at all,I hope he stays with drama.
The rest of the cast is good for the material they have and includes the best "cameos"I've seen in awhile.Samuel L. Jackson as Detective P.K. Highsmith and Dwayne Johnson as Detective Christopher Danson .
The story is weak about 2 super cops dying  and 2 loser cops trying to take their place as they work a ponzie type crime.
The film is about NY so it has more regional appeal especially in the fact Wahlberg's character shoots Derek Jeter in the leg and that becomes a joke throughout the movie.Lines like "you should have shot AROD instead"work in NY better than say Austin Texas.I do like the ability of Ferrell's character to attract beautiful woman within understated Hanks like charm,and how it galls Wahlberg's more macho character.
Hint,Ferrell's character in a "recovering pimp" from college.Yes it's funny in places.
Trailer URL is below pix.


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