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Sunday, May 15, 2011

TV Series - The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This is actually a TV miniseries but is available as a 190 minute released in 1981 and therefore I am reviewing it as such.There is a actually movie remake released in 2005 that is not half bad for a remake as most remakes really suck.This however is the original mini series that was made by BBC in the UK.The folks who gave you Monty Python so you get a little idea of where their coming from.Not your Star Trek or Star wars by any means.
The story is quite involved and steeped in sarcasm.The science is minimal at best but makes the real story more palatable.That story is who are we and isn't it amazing we have come so far while achieving so little.So say I anyway.
It starts with the destruction on Earth and ends with the repopulation of a NEW earth with the same old sorts and will they be condemned to repeat the same old story so to speak.Sounds like the Matrix and other NEW sci-fi doesn't it?1981 people !!!
Short story is that Earth is destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass by a Vogon Demolition Fleet while Arthur Dent,played by Simon Jones is trying to stop his home being demolished to make way for a highway bypass.You should get the metaphor that the miniseries becomes from that point on.Its to long to explain all the cynical jokes and wonderful cast along the way.There is the depressing robot Marvin,voice supplied by  Stephen Moore,as well as the editor of the book Hitch Hikers Guide,who saves Arthur,Ford Prefect  played by David Dixon as  well as the voice of the book who is really the narrator of the series,Peter Jones and finally my favorite Colin Jeavons as Max Quordlepleen host of the Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe.There are too many others to list but pretty much all are good.My favorite joke is about a whale and a pot of flowers that come into being while falling to a planet.You have to see it to get it.DON'T PANIC is the catchphrase and the amazing question that caused the creation of the planet Earth to begin with is,Life, the Universe and Everything,oh and the answer of course after millions of years of calculations is ( earth is nothing more than a super computer to expand on the following answer but is destroyed before it can ) 42.YES 42
I never heard yje radio show or read the book this mini series is based on,UK after all,but it stands alone just fine.If you didn't get Python's humor,you  might not like this,otherwise indulge.I only took 1/2 star off because the space ship scenes were DR WHO like cheesy,other wise the effects are fine.Trailer follows pix

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