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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cursed - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Normally I won't review pictures I don't own and this is only the 3rd film but it had a really interesting cast so I will.Rated it only 3 stars  because the story is nothing spacial in fact it is just a combination of many films we have seen before.What saves it is a believable mix of humor into the story by a top notch cast.So rather than actually tell you about the pedestrian story line I will just list the actors who they play.
First lets start with the director.Wes Craven has made some very violent and sadistic films so to see HIM direct this cast was interesting indeed.Yes there is blood and gore but less than you would expect from a Craven film and some of it comical thanks to the cast.
Oh,you want to at least know something of the plot??OK,brother and sister are bitten by werewolf and don't want to become one.THATS IT !!!!throw a ton a cliches from other horror and teen angst films and you have the story.
The movie was released in 2005 and runs 97 minutes and the year is important because only one actor was big at the time.The rest were up and coming.
Now to the cast.
The star both real and in this film is Christina Ricci as Ellie and a young Jesse Eisenberg as Jimmy her brother.Milo Ventimiglia as Bo,a rival of Jimmy.Joshua Jackson  as Jake a love interest of Ellie and a werewolf.Judy Greer as Joanie  friend and a little bit more of Ellie's.And Michael Rosenbaum as     Kyle in a small uncredited role.Thats about it.
Worth a look for this knock out cast.Trailer URL is below pix as usual.

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