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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mean Streets - 3 stars out of 5 stars

It was great when it came out but it doesn't stand up over time.Martin Scorsese wrote and directed and his 2 main stars Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel  may never have been better.However the rest of the cast is "b"level and act that way.In the end,you really don't care about the characters as you do in say,"The Godfather"plus it looks like it was made 40 years ago,oh,I forgot,IT WAS.However the music is of the time as is the "feel"Not as good as "Saturday Night Fever"you get the feel this was to be his future if  you followed that films logic.Anyway,it is required viewing once for historical and film history.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.Released in 1973 it runs 112 minutes and I took the 2 stars off for the reasons I mentioned.

The future is set for Tony and Michael - owning a neighbour- hood bar and making deals in the mean streets of New York city's Little Italy. For Charlie, the future is less clearly defined. A small-time hood, he works for his uncle, making collections and reclaiming bad debts. He's probably too nice to succeed. In love with a woman his uncle disapproves of (because of her epilepsy) and a friend of her cousin, Johnny Boy, a near psychotic whose trouble-making threatens them all - he can't reconcile opposing values. A failed attempt to escape (to Brooklyn) moves them all a step closer to a bitter, almost preordained future. Written by Dave Cook <>

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