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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Horrible Bosses - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2011 and running 98 minutes I took 2 stars off this film because it brings nothing new to "black comedy"because we've seen all this, in various ways,before.Still its viewable because of its cast,all "A"listers and they bring the energy.All are good but Kevin Spacey as Dave Harken,one of the bosses, is standout, as he always is. The simple plot is 3 friends have ok type jobs but horrible bosses and how great it would be if those bosses were dead.The 3 friends are Jason Bateman,Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis. The 3 bosses are the aforementioned Spacey,Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston.Our guys seek out help and find advice in the "hood"from Jamie Foxx as Dean 'MF' Jones who they think is a bad dude. Most of the film is kinda silly but the darkness comes in and makes the film watchable because they get one boss to kill another purely by accident and then have to get the cops to arrest him instead of them.Worth a view for sure but more than one view,er,not so sure.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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