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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quiz Show - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

A little better film than I expected.Robert Redford directed and produced but did not appear in this interesting but finally unimportant film about something no one cares about nor should they in todays far more complicated world.As one co-conspirator  said at the end,and I paraphrase,after all we're not criminals. We just give the people what they want.
See this film is about something that DID happen in the 1950's when game shows were ratings grabbers for the networks.On network allowed it show to be rise to the top of the ratings chatty any means nessacary. In this case actually giving the answers to the contestant of choice to garner ratings.So yes,who really cared and there were bigger issues of the day far more important like communist hunting and civil rights abuse.History will keep this scandal were it belongs,on the back burner.What is interesting however is again its NBC which is the"bad"network.These days they edit news to sway a point,then they edited contestants.They show a history of distortion like no other network in history.FOX news bashers should take note of a indisputable fact on this point.Released in 1994 its too long at 133 minutes and a who really cares story.Thus the 1 and 1/2 stars off.It's should be viewed once for historical relevance and little more.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

An idealistic young lawyer working for a Congressional subcommittee in the late 1950s discovers that TV quiz shows are being fixed. His investigation focuses on two contestants on the show "Twenty-One": Herbert Stempel, a brash working-class Jew from Queens, and Charles Van Doren, the patrician scion of one of America's leading literary families. Based on a true story. Written by Tim Horrigan <>

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