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Friday, May 6, 2011

Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Kahn - 5 stars out of 5 stars

I couldn't wait any longer,I had to do a Trek film so we start with the one I believe is the best,Wrath of Kahn.This is the second movie made and based on a episode from the original series.In the series,Kirk played by Bill Shatner,maroons Kahn played by Ricardo Montalban,on a planet with his followers and the episode ends.The movie begins with a scientific expedition 15 years later to a planet called Ceti Alpha VI.However that planet has been destroyed and they are really orbiting Ceti Alpha V.That is the planet Kahn had been marooned on.Still with me??
Well when CAPTAIN KIRK left Kahn on the planet he seems to have forgotten them and when  Ceti Alpha VI is destroyed Ceti Alpha V's orbit is changed and the planet becomes very inhospitable and many of Kahn's group die.When Kahn learns that Captain Kirk is now ADMIRAL Kirk and knows nothing of the planets change,he plots his revenge for Kirks never having checked on their wellbeing in all those 15 years and maybe could have saved some of them including his wife.The over acting by Shatner is mocked by comedians over the years and Montalban delicious equals him for the battle of overacting like none have seen before.Kahn has the line that has become part of our lexicon,"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Now that is the basic story or as some as said the battle of middle age as Kahn is from the youth of Kirk,noe forced to face again in middle age.There are a few other interesting thing.A female vulcan protege of Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy,named Lt. Saavik,played by a very young and slim  Kirstie Alley,corrects Kirk on regulations and questions his passing of the "Kobayashi Maru"Starfleet Academy test,which she just failed as well as everyone who ever took it EXCEPT James T Kirk.( we learned he cheated)
Its also interesting to note that when Kahn captures the scentific expedition he recognizes Mr. Chekov,played by Walter Koenig,who also recognized him. Truth be told,the character of  Mr. Chekov was added AFTER that episode,aw so what for Star Trek Bible purists.
Oh there is also the sub plot of a new planet building machine called Project Genesis headed by a old flame named Dr. Carol Marcus played by Bibi Besch.But wait,she had a son by Kirk she never told him about !!!He also here Dr. David Marcus played by Merritt Butrick .Now of course Kahn learns of the project and as something can create life from nothing on a dead planet,so can it DESTROY life on a live planet.
I think I gave you enough to wet your appetite.I'll just add that all space movies tend to resemble WW11 movies in space when it comes to battles therein.The fighting between Kahn and Kirks 2 starships is true to that theme but in a nebula that renders useless their senors to detect each other,the battle takes on a never before homage to the subs vs destroyer battles of that war rather then the more familiar aircraft carrier and battleship vs fighter planes of most space movies and shows.Just one more reason to see the film.Released in 1982 its a too short 113 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix.

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