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Monday, May 30, 2011

Patton 5 stars out of 5 stars

OK here's a real big hit for Memorial day from the "greatest generation."An uncle of mine served as a secretary on Patton's HQ staff and said the movie didn't even scratch the surface of the mans commanding personality. Well for the rest of us,George C Scott's portrayal of General George S Patton Jr.will have to do.
My uncle verified all the strange stories portrayed in the movie with small changes for the sake of movie making,so we won't mention what those were other than to state he was not forced to apologize unit wide as the movie claimed but more locally to those only who actually witnessed the soldier slapping portrayed.He also stated than Patton took a piss in the river Rein after stating to all in ear shot that he had waited all war to do that.
He was as big as a real movie character,pearl handle pistols and all.
To the movie.The opening speech is rousing and hooks you for the rest of the movie.There's old George giving his speech with the famous line about "no dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country,he won the war by making the OTHER dumb bastard die for his."Thats some statement and in truth,we can debate that in lieu of Vietnam and the Middle East.There is no doubt that for THAT time and war it was the truth.Later when crossing the winter snow covered forests trying to get to Bastogne to break the last great German offensive of the war, he asked a military chaplain for  a prayer that would cause a break in the weather so they might be able to continue their own counter attack,the chaplain states he's not sure the Lord would listen to a prayer that helps kill fellow men.Patton tells him that he has it on good authority that if you write a good prayer the Lord will listen.He gets the prayer and prays it,the weather lifts and the counter attack continues.Later Patton states,I want the Chaplain assigned here,he has the Lords ear.However before you guess that Patton was a right wing Christian ,he believed in reincarnation.He truly believed he had been a soldier many times before only preparing him for now,his greatest battle.This is also shown when he is being driven to a battlefield in North Africa. He tells the driver to stop the jeep,they are here and the driver tells him no it still up ahead.No Patton states,"I know it's here,I was there"Patton then goes on to describe the battle that happened there 2000 years ago.
You gotta love that kind of stuff.
It's hard to believe the movie was released back in 1970.It runs a good 172 minutes.
There is a good supporting cast of actors,but like Patton in war,this is Scott's movie.
Trailer URL follows pix.

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