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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Life Before Her Eyes 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Very different film.I had to take of 1/2 star only because the story telling was a little uneven.Still hard to fault a film that ends with"I never saw THAT coming"
The reason I choose to even check this film out was because it starred Uma Thurman,but like much of this film that was a deception.There are actually 2 actress playing the lead roll of Diana.Uma as a adult and Evan Rachel Wood as a younger teen version.This Ms Wood was a pleasant surprise as was much else in the film.What almost turned me off was the Columbine type beginning,but it is the talisman of the film so you have to accept it as distasteful as that might seem.You see the film opens with two teen girls trapped in a bathroom at the high school as a shooter is killing people in the halls and rooms.The two girls are Diana and Emma played by also talented Gabrielle Brennan.As the shooter is approaching we see flash backs and forwards of Diana life up to 15 years in the future.Like many soldiers of many different times and wars,Diana seems to suffer from surveyors guilt and as we later see through the flashbacks,perhaps guilt that her BEST friend Emma was the good girl who deserved so much more out of life  and Diana was little more than the neighborhood slut.That in itself makes for compelling drama but as in many a war movie, we have seen all that before.However listen to the dialogue especially about the strongest mussel is the heart and there is a clue to a much different film.The only other clue I'll give is this was worthy of  a M. Night Shyamalan film BUT its not.Credit goes to Director:Vadim Perelman Writers:
Laura Kasischke (novel), Emil Stern (screenplay).Released in 2007 its a short 90 minutes.
Trailer URL is below pix as always.Also I'll add after seeing the ending,it's not really a teen movie but a camouflaged war film in my humble opinion as far as why men die for their fellow man.Wait this is about two teen girls,how can that be??

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