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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Firefox - 5 stars out of 5 stars

This is also a favorite Cold War era movie of mine.For some strange reason many don't like it??It's Clint Eastwood's first movie he directed as well as stars in but I see no issue with that.The story is a little out there but that's what Hollywood does,believe the unbelievable.Funny thing,it's becoming true years latter.It's centers around a stealth fighter with 4 times the speed of sound and mind fired weaponry.Whats has come true is the stealth ability and we are working on mind fired weaponry as well as Mach 3 speed.
Anyway,the story is this.The Soviets have developed "Firefox"the above mentioned abilities of this aircraft,make it a first strike weapon.Clint Eastwood plays Mitchell Gant,the best pilot the US has,only he's suffering from post traumatic stress and not on active duty anymore.The CIA  have to locate and convince him they need his help.What they want is to smuggle him into Russia to STEAL one of the two prototypes and fly it back to the US.After much coaching in the art of spy infiltration by  Freddie Jones as Kenneth Aubrey,Gant is ready to enter the USSR as a American business man known to be a drug smuggler.Into the hands of Warren Clarke as Pavel Upenskoy ,he's placed, to be brought to the airbase at Bilyarsk.After a fire in the hanger is set as a distraction by dissident Soviet Jewish scientists at the expense of their own lives,Gant is able to fly the plane out in the chaos of the fire.  THEN the fun really begins.All I'll say is that the CGI are really believable and outstanding as this film was released in 1982.My favorite is the landing and take off rendezvous with a US sub to refuel on the northern arctic ice pack.The film runs a little long at 132 minutes but that is because it really develops  the spy part and the action steal of plane equally.There is also that second plane.Dog fight anyone??
Trailer URL is below the pix.

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