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Monday, May 9, 2011

North Dallas Forty - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

At 119 minutes,this 1979 release is one of the best sports movies of all time and my personnel favorite.I risk reviewing it now because its 32 years old and treats the game like the owners and players still treat it today,NO RESPECT.
Today billionaires battle millionaires forcontrol of the nations primal sport and nether respect the game.Back in the day of servitude and blind subservience to the owners,no one respected the game ether.
There is a line in the movie when the rich owner of the team,Steve Forrest  as Conrad Hunter,is consoling the son of a recently deceased fellow wealthy friend with a line like"When a man of your daddies wealth dies of cancer you know theres no cure"That sets the tone for the owners absolute power over the players.When a player thinks to himself I wish he would drop a pass so I can play,shows the disregard of the players for the team idea,that is just that,a idea.NO RESPECT.
Pete Gent a 3rd string receiver who held on for a few years wrote a "tell all"book but changed the facts JUST enough to avoid a lawsuit,but its clear this is the 1970's cowboys.
That said,its still a fine story of a aging veteran wide receiver Nick Nolte playing Phillip Elliott,who knows the"game"and does what it takes to hang on.The GM in a fine turn by Dabney Coleman as Emmett Hunter,quips as he's trying to scare Elliott that a rookie might take his job "Hows your Canadian?"  And Mac Davis as a aging Don Meredith type QB named Seth Maxwell when taking the side of a big offensive lineman against Elliott,"You keep me on the sports page,but he keeps me off the obituaries."
The dialogue is sharp and  snappy.Elliott and Maxwell pop pills and guzzle beer  while they piss in a trainer whirlpool to the trainers dismay while commenting they are enjoying"The breakfast of champions".
BUT this is not frat house banality.The movie is sharp and a insult to Tom Landry and all the Cowboys stood for.Even a Stauback type rookie backup QB fumbles a PAT to lose the championship game.I LOVED Dayle Haddon as Charlotte Caulder ,romantic interest of Elliott.I only took off 1/2 star because the movie doesn't "age"as well as others,still a MUST SEE.Trailer URL follows the pix as usual.

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