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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gunga Din - 4 stars out of 5 stars

This film was very popular but we live in a political correct era and as such this film may not be what you deem "correct"thus and the fact it's black and white and fairly dated I forced myself to take off 1 star.Made in 1939( arguably the best year for volume release of GREAT films in Hollywoods history) and runs 117 minutes.What may or may not be politically correct has its roots in this case,within the colonial empire mentality of Great Britain.Rather than go into a long winded explanation of colonial superiority passed off as parental guidance lets just look at the film.Based on a poem by Rudyard Kipling who glorified the empire in his works,this story is very simple and filed with heroism as well as a example of the power of personality cult leadership rapped in religion as we still face today.We follow three good old boy brawling soldiers from different backgrounds as they struggle with life around them and their job in the service of the Queen as well as loyalty to each other.Into the mix we add a water boy,Gunga Din,who is teased by others but respected or better yet,treated loving as a pet by our 3 soldiers.Din repays that treatment as any loyal dog would by laying down his life for his master and as such is rewarded with a human burial.Thats the politically incorrect story.
The film story skirts around that with the development  of Din wanting to be a English soldier but not allowed to until his brave death awards him that which was denied in life.
The story is how two of the soldiers try to keep the third in the service before he can leave to get married.However a large fanatical religious based rebellion is underway let by a charismatic leader  to wipe out the English soldiers and control India within their own grasp.Sound familiar??This film has historical roots in the fight against the"thuggies"of the "Cult of Cali"which was a historical enemy that the Empire did face in India.
The three soldiers face all  any soldiers always face and alert the main forces to the threat BUT the Cult had planned on that and sets a trap for the approaching army to wipe it out to the last man.Only the brave bugle blowing by Gunga Din, who has to expose his safe hiding position to do so,saves the day and allows the army to defeat the thugs.
The cast is brilliant with the three soldiers played by Cary Grant,Victor McLaglen and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. as well as Sam Jaffe as Din and the Thuggie Guru by Eduardo Ciannelli.The supporting cast is good as well.Trailer URL below pix as always.

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