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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Escape From New York 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Sadly this movie lost some steam with events of 9/11.However the only reason  I took 1/2 star off was the vague plot references to war then and just earlier. Released in 1981 and running 99 minutes its a few movies in one.Its a war movie,though not too clear,a sci-fi fantasy possible future movie and its a jail break flick.
The President's plane,played by Donald Pleasence,goes down on Manhattan Island NYC only its a isolated federal prison.Once you go in,you don't come out.The Island has been cut off and the capital crimes convicts inside fend for themselfs.Sort of a post apocalyptic world of their own.Well the President was on the way to a peace conference to end a war.The Warden,Lee Van Cleef  as Hauk,has 24 hours to rescue him or the conference is kaput.Lucky for him a new prisoner is being brought in and he's a super soldier type called Snake Plissken played surprisingly  well by pretty boy Kurt Russell.The catch,if he succeeds he gets a pardon,if not they have injected pellets of explosives in his body that will dissolve in 24 hours.So Snake lands a glider on the top of the WTC and well from there the movie is really tense and full of action.Great supporting roles by Isaac Hayes as The Duke,Ernest Borgnine as Cabbie,my man Harry Dean Stanton as Brain  and Adrienne Barbeau as Maggie,yes its a co-ed prison.I'll only say that the President and Snake do get out in time.However,there is a cost that Snake extracts and he gets vengeance for himself and well,maybe for us all?The Theme from American bandstand was never so unsettling.
Trailer URL follows the pix.

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