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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bobby Fischer Against the World - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2011 at 90 minutes this is a HBO films documentary I just saw and while I won't buy it because watching and re-watching a documentary is sort of like re-watching the evening news,it's worth a view for the following reasons.First in 1972 many things were going on BUT the Chess match in Iceland between Bobby and the Russian champion was on the news as if it was as important as Watergate,Ali,of Vietnam.Second in a sports sense it had the interest of a Ali fight or in the cold war sense,the Miracle on ice. Finally what fame demands as payment from its hero's.
Almost 40 years ago,at the hight of the cold war,Chess became the latest battlefield of the cold war between the Russians and the US.The Russians dominated the sport for many years but a brass almost white version of Ali was challenging all that.Ali version in the sense of being young and innovated and controversial.There the similarities end.We all know the story of Ali's conversion to Islam and his objection to the war in Vietnam.Bobby was far more dark and troubled.Here is a Jew who was anti-Semitic.Even as he was beating the Russian Boris Spasky in 1972,he was being possessed by his own demons.
Born a bastard of both a Jewish mother and father,he was raised by the mom who was on the FBI watch list as a communist and anti-war agitator.I'm sure the is a rich story there that helps shape his future.The documentary starts with his childhood,through 1972 and his death in 2008.Its a well crafted 90 minutes with plenty of old footage for those of you under 40.I had to take off 1 1/2 stars because it IS a documentary and well he was a prick and does he deserve this attention??However,many would say the same about Ali.What is UNDENABLE,is Ali is the best boxer who ever lived and Fischer,Chess player who ever lived.You should see the film and decide for yourself.Trailer URL follows pix

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