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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Anzio - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Sadly this film isn't on many best war movies lists.I guess because at its core its anti war.I'm mentioning it now because sadly Peter Falk as Cpl. Jack Rabinoff  just died 2 days ago.The film also stars Robert Mitchum as Dick Ennis,IP war correspondent.Anzio was a poor invasion by the US on Italy during WW11.Poor because it could the Germans off guard but timid advances afterwards allow the germans to regroup and make it a bloody slow slog up the "boot."Into this mess a small group of soldiers survive and bond with the IP correspondant  who won't carry a gun,he reports not fights,as he searches for the reason why we fight as a species.Falk is the cold hard killing machine with a good heart IF you can find it. Only after a sniper kills Falk and forces Mitchum to pick up a rifle or die,does he get the answer.At no time are we more alive than when we face death,we live for that rush.Or so he tells the General that messed this all up at the start,now at the end.The general reply was that can't be true,but God help us all  if it is. Released in 1968 at 117 minutes,I highly recommend this film and do own it.Trailer URL follows pix

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