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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stargate - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1994 and running a little long at 121 minutes,this film spawned at least 3 TV series and a couple of TV movies.The story answers the question of the Pyramids and ancient Gods in a very modern way.
In 1928 in Egypt lying in the desert dig area,a large circular object is found.Swing to now(1994) and a struggling young egyptologist,James Spader( in I think his finest role)as Dr. Daniel Jackson   is presented with a opportunity that turns out to be a government project to figure out what this circular object is.With his help the "Stargate"as the circular object is now to be known,is activated and he and a army recon team lead by Kurt Russell as Col. Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neil,enter.They emerge across the universe in a far flung galaxy and then the story bogs down a bit.It seems the ancient God"Ra" was really a dying super alien who stole the body of a young boy on this planet and built the gates to get cheap slave labor from earth.The old earthlings rebelled and Ra knocked the gate down so the rebellion wouldn't spread to this planet forcing the remaining inhabitants to worship him and continue to be his slaves.I think you can guess the rest,thats why I only gave it 4 stars.Still it is a original idea even if the scenes in the desert steal from other films.Trailer URL follows the pix

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