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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"It " - 4 stars out of 5 stars

I missed this because it was a TV movie but its now on DVD and my daughter in law lent it to me.I took 1 star off for the length and it does have a TV feel.Still its a very good scary flick.First shown in 1990 its long at 192 minutes.I haven't read any Steven King books but seen many of his film adaptations and frankly this TV flick held my interest more than any other.It's a forward and back film about 7 kids growing up in the 50's who reunite in the 80's to fight a evil and  sinister force they only can call it,"IT"All the cast was great so I won't name them here,but the story is basically that some evil feeds every 30 years and a small town in Maine is the focus.The town is oblivious to the pattern and treats it as morbid disasters.Only 7 kids are drawn together to fight it and the story goes back and forth as they finally triumph.There bonding is sweet and touching against both the evil and bulling they are face as "the losers"club.That alone makes it relevant to day.Bulling lives on.It starts with a clown killing children,so its rather intense,be warned.Trailer URL follows pix

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