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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

United 93 - 5 stars out of 5 stars

By now everyone knows about 9/11.However since everyone on every plane died,all we truly know are the accounts of the living and the phone calls from those about to die.Never before in recorded history was there such real time info from civilian causalities about to be,to those who would remember.This film released in 2006 and running 111 minutes takes those FACTS and tries to dramatize the tragic,inevitable events about to unfold to those aboard this modern day tragic flight of death.The cast is not "a"list but their performances are.I'm reminded of a line from a film called"The Cowboys"in which a man tells a group of kids a tall tale of wonder and when he is asked if that was true he replies"if it wasn't it should have been"Such is the legend we all want to remember of those on that flight and this film will not disappoint. Perhaps there are some of us will never be able to watch a film about that day,much less one made only 5 years later,but in the future,many more films will surly be made and one can only hope that those will be measured to this,the first one. The first hour or so is devoted to the unfolding story of the controllers ,than the rest to the passengers onboard the doomed flight.The stark truth of the beginning,makes one hope the ending was as it "should have been"Trailer follows the pix and a IMDB summary for those who really don't know what happened that day.

A real time account of the events on United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania when passengers foiled the terrorist plot.

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