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Thursday, May 3, 2012

25th Hour - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Damn you Spike.Never cared to care about folks who have it all and piss it away,NEVER.
Somehow,Spike has done it again.YOU made me care and feel sorry.Damn you,now I have to watch these kind of pictures.
A list cast and story that only a New Yorker will understand.Again,one of the best film makers of our time took a story about a Irish white boy drug pusher who got caught,and made us see NY through the eyes of a someone who lost it all.What ,thats all???
NO,NO SPIKE IS A FILM MAKER.The opening scene is shot against the 2 blue light beams from the pit of the WTC.Later 2 of the characters have a scene in ones apartment overlooking "The Pit"The man has made us see that as we understand the loss of the tragedy perhaps our humanity will lets us see this 2 bit punks throw away life.
Lofty as the ideal is,acting is what pulls it off.Edward Norton plays Monty Brogan,the punk who blew it.Into the plot now.Brogan has to report for a 7 year prison term as he was busted for potion of drugs.The movie is basically the last day he will spend with family and friends as he prepares to report to prison the next day. The opening scene is a flashback as well as 2 or 3 other short flashes and a fabulous fantasy "Texas"scene at the conclusion.
In between we meet Monty's girl Rosario Dawson as a 17 year old when he first met her in a park after making a sale,Naturelle Riviera,a Puerto Rican. One of his 2 best friends he will spend that last night with,Philip Seymour Hoffman as a shy withdrawn and sexually frustrated HS teacher,Jacob Elinsky ,and Barry Pepper as Frank Slaughtery his other boyhood friend and now successful wallstreater.Add to that fine supporting roles by Anna Paquin as a HS student and Brian Cox as Monty's dad.Finally a small but impactful role for Tony Siragusa as Kostya Novotny,Yes,that ex NFL player TS !!!!
The mixing of the tragedy of 9/11 and the tragedy of a wasted life are brought home by a great film maker and great actors.
Scorsese and Spielberg,WHERE'S SPIKES OSCAR!!!!!!
Oh did I mention a good score,both some original and some popular.Can you say Springsteen?? Trailer URL follows the pix.The film released in 2002 and runs a perfect 135 minutes.I HATE YOU SPIKE FOR MAKING ME LIKE THIS FILM.

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