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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Jaws - 3 stars out of 5 stars

The most uneven film I've seen,in a good way.Long and tedious yet suspenseful and scary.Finally a climax of man against underseas beast that has yet to be equaled.For those reasons it doesn't stand up to repeated viewing and its long,124 minutes and dated released in 1975.Still worth a view for that climax.The film also brought respectability to a scare genre that seemed real.The beech party gone terribly wrong.Directed by Steven Spielberg of a screen play by Peter Benchley  it scared a generation from going into the water.
The 3 men who finally track this killer shark down are Roy Scheider,Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss.For historical film reference its a "bucket list"must see picture,warts and all.Trailer URL follows pix and a short IMDB summary for the 1 or 2 who haven't heard of this flawed classic.

When a gigantic great white shark begins to menace the small island community of Amity, a police chief, a marine scientist and grizzled fisherman set out to stop it.

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