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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kelly's Heros - 4 stars out of 5 stars

What do you get when you mix "The Dirty Dozen",with "Full Metal Jacket" and sprinkle  in"The Good the Bad and The Ugly"?? A pretty damn good movie !!!!
Clint Eastwood plays Kelly,a former the US army and now is just a regular GI after some battle went bad and he was the fall guy.Now he's under the command of"Big John"a sergeant played by Telly Savalas,who's tough enough but trying to keep himself and his men alive.One night Big John sent Kelly to get a german as a prisoner so he could get intel on a town they were advancing on.However what Kelly learns is the kind of intel that makes risking your life worth it for profit.16 million dollars worth in German gold bars !!!!Enough said.Now get that gold!!!!Throw in Donald Sutherland as a spaced out tank commander called "Odd Ball"and a recognizable supporting cast that is great in their roles and we have a really different sort of war film with a climatic confrontation with a German Tiger tank near the end of the film that is OUTSTANDING !!!!Released in 1970 its a little long at 144 minutes and some parts of the plat are really out there,this 1 star off,but all in all,its a funny good time as much as any war film can be.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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