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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hesher - 3 stars out of 5 stars

There is a old plot line for movies based on the old saying about "pick yourself up and start all over."In this case the messenger almost killed the message.Joseph Gordon-Levitt is so menacing as Hesher the films title character that he may scare you off in the first 40 minutes or so.He almost did that to me. That would be sad because the message is delivered in the most startling way that shows its still valid.So I take 2 stars off and warn you at the outset,its a roller coaster ride.Strap in if you take this ride.What drew me to the film was Piper Laurie who is the catalyst for the message and Natalie Portman who is under used but also caused key message movement.
Its a basic story of a family ripped and broken by a death and the survivors are spiraling downward.Into this pool of self pity and loathing enters a real scary dude who just moves in to the garage and then the "family"That would be Hesher. First you think he's going to kill them all,then you think he going to make you WISH he kills them all. I did say roller coaster???The film takes awhile rolling up and down with the 3 family members,a father sinking in self pity,Rainn Wilson,and angry young son,Devin Brochu,and a grandmother Piper Laurie.I saw this movie ONLY because of her.She had my heart as a youngster after seeing"the Hustler"and playing a grandma now,well I am grandfather so……….
First curve is we meet Natalie Portman     as Nicole,a young nothing of a teen or 20 something who saves the young boy from a ass whipping by a bully and becomes a crush of his.Anyway,finally through his own bullying Hesher forces the father and son to move on after grandma died,in a really well done movingly but "raw"final scene.
This is a fine, well done, off beat message film of renewal ,but might turn off more than half of you by it language and tough themes.Its really not a white trash meth survives and thrives film at all.Give it 40 minutes before you bale,and most of you probably will bale.
Released in 2010 it runs 106 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix

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