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Monday, April 11, 2011

Wolfen 5 stars out of 5 stars

This film was made in 1981 and runs 114 minutes.It remains the most intelligent "horror" film to date in my mind.Staring Albert Finney as alcoholic police detective Dewey Wilson and Gregory Hines as  morgue attendant Whittington and one of my very favorite actors     Edward James Olmos as Eddie Holt.I also want to mention that the executive producer was the wonderful comic Alan King.Now that sometimes means the person only put up lots of cash,so I don't know his real effect on this film.
To the film,something has killed a big time Donald Trump type real estate developer,his girl and armed bodyguard/driver in NYC's battery park around midnight.
  The mayor is furious and the police call in the drunk Wilson to help solve it.Twist and turns,wonderful NYC locations lead us to a legend about shape shifting native americans and suspicion lands on Eddie Holt.I again don't want to give to much way but to say that the infer red see thru the eyes of the killer is something the film Predator,which I will review down the road, used later.I will say you think it might be a werewolf,you might and will be wrong and it's NOT Eddie,whew,I love that guy.All good horror uses that what we think of as horror as a metaphor for a real horror we can't or won't perceive.The message of this film is our great waste of resources and selfs.Strong and vital  today as ever.
    The URL to a trailer is again below the pix.

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