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Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Sound of Thunder - 4 stars out of 5 stars

At 110 minutes and released in 2005  this movie caught my eye for 3 reasons.I like local NYC kid Ed burns.I love Ray Bradbury who wrote the short story this film is based on.Finally its one of the newer threads of sci-fi based on time travel and the "butterfly effect". So I never read the short story this is based on and Burns is not being a younger and  moodier  Woody Allen with Irish ties rather than Jewish.Well 1 out of 3 still gets me to rate this 4 out of 5 stars.I think it hits the home run with the time travel story. The only issue I have with the sci-fi element is the fact that the main characters remain in a "bubble"when the waves hit.I still don't get that,but thats way ahead and YOU figure that out when you see the film yourself.
    In the year 2055 a business offers the ultimate thrill.Go back in time and kill a dinosaur.
    Ben Kingsley     plays Charles Hatton whose corporation will send you back in time with a guide and group of aids,sort of like a Safari with a guide and bearers in todays Africa,only this"game"is the ultimate,a real live T-Rex!!!!As the movie moves on we learn the guide is Edward Burns as Travis Ryer  only took this gig because in 2055 there are no more animals and he's trying to reconstruct the DNA from animals in the past so he might clone them in the present.There is a super female computer who plots these "Safaris"into the past and the whole thing is planned down to the second so each Safari goes to the exact same moment in the past and that is when a T-Rex will fall into a tar pit and die as a volcano erupts.The Safari will kill him moments before so the time line is persevered.A kill without consequences as the T Rex was "dead duck" anyway.Now for the story.At a sort of "after party"Catherine McCormack as Sonia Rand  does a Peta style crash at the party and we learn she had worked for this corporation and designed the computer running the trips and had her design appropriated by the employment contract she had allowing Hatton to co op her design for his own profit motive rather than any benefit to science.In other words he's a capitalist pig and she's a scientist whose ideas have been corrupted for profit.Well yes Travis is drawn to her and she's right that sooner or later something would go terribly wrong and so it does.What happens next is well,different.
Let me say this,the film was not well received.I think thats because it's NOT a Dino special effects flick.There is CGI but I don't think most viewers get the story idea.A butterfly effect is time being altered and the further back you go even something as simple as a butterfly flapping its wings at the wrong time can have extreme effects.Now Quantum Physics suggests that time doesn't really change but "alternate"time lines are formed based on any minute changes so that there can be infinite time lines leading to infinite universes.Sounds deep. This concept includes the old Déjà vu idea of being somewhere before when you know thats impossible.Enough of making your head hurt. What this film tackles the idea that time line changes take effect in waves and can be predicted and thus perhaps stopped and reversed.The issue is that each wave changes the collected knowledge of the past since that was based on a different  now existing timeline.Confused??It is heady stuff and this film dares to at least explore it.So thats why I feel it was not well received.Yes,I think it was above the adverse film goes IQ.So if your not at least aware of Quantum Physics then this film is NOT for you.Otherwise,outside of Star Trek I haven't seen anything on the scope of this picture and I applude its guts on trying to make entertainment out of geeky theories. I will say that the lines are restored but you'll have to see how they can remember what happened when thats impossible since they are really in a new time line without the past OR in a alliterate time line and need to prevent what happened before from happening again.You decide which and the plausibility of that theory.
Trailer is below the pix as usual.

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