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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dim Sum Funeral - 4 stars out of 5 stars

This film has a basic story of a dysfunctional family reuniting  at a death and how will they react to each other after years apart.What makes this film different and why watch it??
Well for starters,its a asian american family and the executer of the will is a female personal servant of the rich matriarch departed and who happens to be caucasian.
Got your attention??The executor is Talia Shire who plays Viola and thats what caught MY attention.Viola explains that the family must observe a 7 day traditional Chinese funeral before the will can be settled,in this case the deceased matron hopes the "children"can reunite and find out how to be a family again.From here the film does go the usual way as one child is a lesbian actress another is a doctor excite and all called the dead mom "Dragon lady".What saves the picture from the usual cliches is the fact that its a glimpse into asian american life which is rare on film as well as a few really funny bits like the lesbian daughter and her tough kung fu movie star lover getting a Buddhist monk to donate his sperm so they can have a baby.THAT was worth seeing the film. Now while I loved the film and the ending was really different,I was sort of disappointed in that ending  and took the star off for  that reason alone.The film was released in 2008 and is a tight 95 minutes.A trailer URL follows the pix as usual.The recent interest in chinese american child rearing by a best selling book also makes this film a interesting hypothetical example of long term effects of a "Dragon Mom".

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