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Friday, April 22, 2011

A small Circle of Friends 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1980 at 113 minutes this is not the sort of film I would ordinarily like since I never attended college.I did however graduate high school in 1966 so I was there at the time this film takes place.My reason for the 1 star deduction is I only like 2 of the 3 main actors,but thats me.Now to the film.Everyone says there was no time like the time of their youth and thats true.What makes the 60's so special is,that was time of the baby boomers coming of age and as of now that is still the latest group of any era in this countries history.With a great mass comes a great shared experience.War,love and yes,terrorism.That is the main reason this movie is still relevant today.Domestic terrorism in the guise of white middle class college kids that we called "weathermen"back in the day.Now the main thrust of the film is the war itself which leads to the other 2 of love and terror.The movie is told in a flashback as 2 of 3 close friends back in the day,now meet 20 years later and recall the past they knew at Harvard with the third friend. Rather than detail the whole story since I already said I didn't like one of the actors,I'll state a few interesting things about the film.

A music debate,Total Eclipse of the Heart vs. Theme for the Masses ,stolen musical bridge??I had never heard "Theme for the masses"till I saw the film,but who hadn't heard "Total Eclipse of the Heart?"Well it seems "Theme" was a big hit on campuses and many college grads feel "Total" clearly stole from it.Sounds like it might be true.
Second since the plot involves 3 students,1 female and 2 male we have a 3 way and not in the usual 2 female 1 male.As a male I thought it was tastefully done though I can see me in the old 2f,1m but NOT 2m,1f ,even though I loved the movie.
Finally domestic terrorism has been around since the revolutionary war,tea party anyone ?And I don't mean todays political party.I think it was finally the overt war on the black urban uprising of the period,see SNCC and Black Panthers,and as this film shows white students that led to the end of the war and perhaps even the prevention of a civil-racial-generational war.
This film examines a very pivotal time in our countries history through the eyes of 3 students and well,yes,one died while trying to understand the terrorist angle of the story.
I can identify.
Sorry no trailer available.

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