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Saturday, April 9, 2011

TRON: Legacy - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This film,made in 2010 at 125 minutes, is ok and follows the original in a believable fashion.The only real issue is the "grid"is not as imposing or believable now that we have seen cyberspace.dare I say,sort of like the emperors new clothes or the girls all get more pretty at closing time.Thus only 3 1/2 stars.If you have not seen TRON you may not even like the story.If you have seen Tron at least then you will  enjoy a progression within that fantasy that we all outgrew.Oh Peter Pan where art thou ??The effects are state of the art CGI and build faithfully on the original in scope and believability.The original characters that survived are Flynn (Jeff Bridges)and Allan (Bruce Boxleitner).To try to appeal to a new generation of viewers Bridges really adds"the dude"to Flynns personality as well as sort of  showing the gaming company Encom,as maybe being on the verge of becoming a Enron.I sort of see the saving of Encom as the mission of this movie as there is not a MCP this time around.The film gets a little tricky when it flirts with the Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker conflict in Star Wars,Empire Strikes Back which I will also review at a later date.
To the story now.In the 80's Flynn who is a widower,Lora from the first film,has a young son and bids him goodbye see you later and never returns.The son,Sam (Garrett Hedlund)grows up as a rich but aimless young man in search of direction and meaning in his life. His fathers company was being run by his trusted friend Alan (Bruce Boxleitner) but who looses control of the company to a only profit motivated board of directors including the son of the first films villain ,Edward Dillinger ( Cillian Murphy).That's why I get the sense save the company and get your heritage in order was the message if any,and stop future Enrons from happening.Young Sam is tricked into entering the "grid"while believing he was answering a 20 year old page from dad.This story then unfolds as we learn that Flynn went back to the grid to help mankind in some sort of belief that the grid offered a better way to all.You know the old GE slogan of a better day through technology.He brings his program of Clu back with him but its direction of striving for perfection sends it on a violent creative process right out a "Star Trek the movie".So the rest of the movie is the resolution of these conflicts and Sam finally coming of age in both love and direction.
There is CGI effects making Clu look like a 30 year younger Flynn.I don't know if it's poor CGI or a artsy thing,but it was sort of creepy,like Odo from DS9 got a face lift. It's a ok film but much better if you see Tron first.As always a trailer URL follows the pix.

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