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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

3 Days of the Condor 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars.

Released in 1975 and running 117 minutes,this movie was a top notch political thriller in the cold war era.Word has it they are planning a remake,please don't. The story centers around a young naive member,Robert Redford  as Joseph Turner / The Condor, of a CIA book reading group of researchers who survives a hit on that department that kills all the others and forces him on the run to survive and taking shelter with Faye Dunaway as Kathy Hale while running from contract killer Max von Sydow  as G. Joubert in NYC.
Cliff Robertson as J. Higgins and John Houseman as Mr. Wabash are CIA operatives who only care about "damage control"You see Condors group was wiped out by a rouge CIA operation run by Addison Powell  as Leonard Atwood .Through many twists and turns we wind up in Chevy Chase Maryland at the home of Atwood where he is killed by Joubert who had hired him to terminate the group that Condor worked with BUT now was hired by the CIA to wipe out the rouge operations boss Atwood.Joubert shoots Atwood in the head and as Condor recoils in terror thinking he's next Joubert calmly explains that his life was a contract owed to Atwood and as he can now see there is no longer anyone on that end of the contract. Joubert calmly offers Condor a lift to the station and asks him how he choose the woman he hid with to allude him and when Condor explains that it was random Joubert is impressed and offers him a chance to work for him explaining there is no "sides"only pride and trust in ones own precision.As cold and calculating as that sounds he next asks Condor where he will go.When Condor says back to NY,Joubert states "I'm afraid there is no future for you there" and explains how he will be assassinated there because he's a liability in very frank and direct terms.The movie ends with a assassination attempt the way Joubert predicted but Condor is ready for it and instead forces Higgins to confirm what Condor believed had happened as he had given the story to the NY TIMES.Higgins tells him he's a fool and has no ideas what he's done.But then as the movie is ending warns Condor theres no where to run because "how do you know their print it" Now I took 1 star off because as good as the movie is it dated itself with really bad computers that took away from the rest of the background.My favor scene is one of Joubert hitman tries to take out Condor in Kathy's apartment while dressed as a mail carrier.A funny twist on "going postal".As always a trailer URL follows the pix.

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