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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Professional 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Often I find a movie that's story is not outstanding but the acting alone is,this is such a film.Released in 1994 and running a far 110 minutes,it's been done before.OK maybe not exactly like this but the basic story of bad guy meets stepped on girl and they seek salvation together.Right?? You have seen that before.Well in this flick that theme is really stretched and ONLY outstanding acting can save it,let alone even believe it ,a little.Not only is it stretched  but it borders on pedohilia  if not for great acting.
Briefly the story is about a middle age eccentric "cleaner"named Leon played wonderfully by Jean Reno who lives alone and befriends a 12 year girl named Mathilda played as well as can be played I think by very young Natalie Portman.Mathilda is abused by her family and Leon takes pity on her and even saves her by allowing her to enter his apartment after her family is wiped out and the killers are still there,as if she lived with him.The killers are bad DEA thugs led by Stansfield, a great  physcotic  performance by Gary Oldman.
Both Leon and Mathilda bond in strange ways.She teaches him to read,he teaches her to fire a rifle from a rooftop to hit someone jogging in the park,with paint,not a bullet,but she wants to use BULLETS next time.They play a dress up guess who I am game where she is Madonna and Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin and finally Gene Kelly,the only one Leon can guess.Leon tries John Wayne,she guess's Clint Eastwood.Get the idea?
She's still a kid though and when they are staying at a hotel where the desk clerk thought they were father and daughter ,she gets them kicked out by later stating he was her lover.
This was a risky plot to attempt and they do fall in love but no sex.Leon is to strong for that or is he just to dumb??The story shows him as a true professional killer but lacking in both social skills and being so introverted you doubt he's know what to do with her.Mathilda however has fallen hook line and sinker.I don't want to really go into the action/killings other than to say they are violent,but not gratuitous in the context of the story.The ending shoot out rivals "The Terminator"police station shootout.
So if you want to see a pedestrian script saved by truly great acting  as well a early Portman,see the film.I had to take off 1 1/2 stars for the script only.Trailer URL follows pix as usual.

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