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Thursday, June 2, 2011

TV Series - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - 5 stars out of 5 stars

I'm taking a break from movies to do a TV series review.Two things made the Internet WWW a stunning success.PORN and all things Star Trek.From those two things all else sprung.Arguably what is the worse and best of us.Star Trek has always been a refection of the times told in parables of the future.Between 1993 and 1999 DS9 ran for seven seasons of 173 total episodes and was true to the creed of Star Trek and the fears of that time.We had the First Gulf War and we were just beginning to understand terrorism from the first WTC attack and the Cole and two embassy in Africa. War was in the air though not yet upon us and the series took those fears as the original series took on Vietnam involvement and Cuba.What makes DS9 compelling today is its lead character a Captain Sisko is played by a black actor Avery Brooks.Can you say Barak Obama??Sisko has many flaws as does Obama,but like it or not,it's not a white world any longer and these two fail as much as any whites do and thats just the truth,like it or not.We are all full of nobility and frailty so say Star Trek and I.

Why do DS9 now??
In case you were not aware,Star Trek closed its show about the Borg in Las Vegas but a new theme park is being built in the middle east country of Jordan.For  more info on that story see Star link below

Remember fans,King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein is a Star Trek fan and even had a stand on in a "Voyager"episode.But this review is not about that series

I guess I'm reviewing it now because of the theme park being built in the middle east,the crazy stuff Obama must bear and the interpersonal struggles of its cast as if they were YOUR extended family.The allegory of space and the future make it easier to take your medicine on what is a turmoil filled  life we are forced to live both personally and professionally and with world events looming over our heads and beyond our control.If ever Star Trek spoke to us,it speaks in what I think is the most timeless series of the five,and I might add,my favorite.

The series seven years are the story of Sisko's life from losing his wife and raising his son in a out post far from home.He goes from picking up the pieces of his own life in this outpost as a whole world is going through the same basic problems after a 50 year occupation by another planet.To making a new life with new friends and family and discovering a greater conscience in life in a sort of religious awaking to a desperate war to hold on to this new way of life.Thats the human star trek parable.

The sic fi is this new world is called Bajor and the out post is DS9 and the former occupying world is Cardassia.After a war with the federation Cardassia is forced to leave Bajor and its orbiting space station Terok Nor,it has been renamed DS9 and Sisko has been put in charge and has to deal with a  liason Bajorian officer named Major Kira played by Nana Visitor.His son Jake Sisko played by the real life cousin of major league BB player James Lofton,actor Cirroc Lofton.I mention this because baseball is sort of a talisman in the story. There is a new fresh from the Star Fleet medical academy,Doctor Bashir,played by MY favorite actor in the show,Alexander Siddig,who was in real life born in the Sudan. They also introduce a combination of symbiosis between two living creatures.The symbiont is implanted into a humanoid Trill.In this case the symbiont in named Dax and it has lived 7 lifetimes in trills.It retains the memories of those lifetimes and allows the current trill to drawn on that experience to be more that anyone could hope to be.A win,win for both parties.Dax in its seventh life had be Curzon Dax,stern old man mentor to Sisko back in the day,now it is the Jadzia Dax,young and a beautiful woman Star Fleet officer played by Terry Farrell.Add two characters from Star Trek Next Generation,Colm Meaney as Chief O'Brien, and added for season 4 and beyond Michael Dorn as Lt. Commander Worf .Now this DS9 is like a small sea port in space with all that can be thought of in that light.We have a Ferengi bar keeper,Armin Shimerman as Quark,a Cardassian taylor(?REALLY?) Andrew Robinson as Garak,a bad bad Cardassian  Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat    and finally a really interesting character.Station chief of security,one of a kind (?REALLY ?)changeling Rene Auberjonois as OdoThere are many more cast members but these are the real focal points over 7 years.

With 173 episodes I have chose one to highlight but there is a link below for a PDF file download of all the episodes.
Link to episode guide.I got it from  

The episode I choose is from the seventh and last season and its called  Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges.What the heck does that mean??Heres a explanation below.
Definition below from
Inter arma enim silent leges is a Latin phrase meaning "For among [times of] arms, the laws fall mute," although it is more popularly rendered as "In times of war, the law falls silent." This maxim was likely first written in these words by Cicero in his published oration Pro Milone, although Cicero's actual wording was "Silent enim leges inter arma."
At the time when Cicero used this phrase, mob violence was common. Armed gangs led by thuggish partisan leaders controlled the streets of Rome. Such leaders were nevertheless elected to high offices.

Deep hun?Well so is the episode.Bashir is duped into a real double dealing plot by Star Fleet to shape the future after the war is over.If you remember WW2 we were allies with the Russians but had a cold war with them afterwards.
Well in this case the Russians are the Romulans.Rather than try to explain all the intrigue and double dealing I'll just put the link below to the last 7 minutes of the episode that explains what had happened.
Link to brief ending of episode Star Trek DS9 - Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The whole series is sort of grim but there are very funny moments as well.
Do watch it when you can.I have the whole series and I do watch it.

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