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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Battle Los Angeles - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Before we begin,do NOT confuse this with a film called Battle for Los Angeles  released in 2010.I did NOT see that film but it seems no one liked that one.This was released in 2011 and runs 116 minutes and has fair reviews.Now to this movie.Stop me if you've heard this before.Group of Marines  caught in a desperate fight against evil on their soil and meet it with courage and self sacrifice and then for each other as one after another falls and innocent civilians become involved as a reminder of why they fight.
Yes that old chestnut is revived and rather well.Why you see this movie once or more up to you,is the CGI.I said before CGI is a gimmick and substitutes for a lack of story.THIS is a rare case where this old chestnut is given a new coat BY the CGI.Finally,what CGI should be,a enhancement,NOT a story unto itself.However I had two take 1 1/2 stars off for the fact that in this retelling of the chestnut,the enemy are invaders.Hey thats fine,maybe good even.Sadly thats whats wrong with the film unless a sequel will answer the sci-fi issues created by the enemy being not of this earth.For me the questions MUST be answered of who and why they invaded.The poor reason was they wanted our water and nowhere is the water in the universe.Sadly thats week.Also the aliens seem to be sort of like the Borg from star trek BUT as hard as they were to kill early in the film,they die MUCH easier as the film continues.Also as far as wanting our water,it seems they want it as a power source???
Sorry the sic -fi was terrible.BUT the old soldier story was retold as well as ever by up and coming actors.My two favorites were Aaron Eckhart  as Sgt. Michael Nantz and Michelle Rodriguez     as TSgt. Elena Santos .I won't buy it for the sic fi flaws but the story never gets old when done right.See it and judge for yourself.Trailer URL follows pix

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