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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Big Year - 2 and 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2011 and running 100 minutes I was not amused and thus a 50/50 - 2 and 1/2 star rating.A outstanding comedy cast headed by Steve Martin and Owen Wilson and Jack Black supported by other comedy funny folk led by Kevin Pollak and many ,many others,I expected a lot more. For me bird watching doesn't do it no matter how they try to mix it with the lifes of regular folk and by that I mean regular other than that fetish of bird watching.for me,its a curiosity only.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

In birding, a Big Year is seeing or hearing as many different species of birds as possible in a calendar year. Three men pursue the Birder of the Year title: Kenny Bostick, who's seen a record 732 in a past big year, Stu Preissler, newly retired, and Brad Harris, who narrates the story. Life gets in the way: Bostick's wife wants a baby, Stu's firm needs him for sensitive negotiations, and Brad, divorced and underemployed at 36, has an encouraging mom and a disapproving dad. They criss-cross the U.S. (including a trip to Alaska's westernmost island), follow migration patterns, and head for storms that force birds to ground. Who will win, at what cost, and with what rewards? Written by <>

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