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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Air Force One - 4 and 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK its hard to believe but thats what film fantasy is all about and in this really poor political year of 2012,MAN do we really need a film such as this 1997 release of 124 minutes. Its strength is its weakness thus 1/2 star off.NO President will ever be like Harrison's Ford  portrayal of President James Marshall.This President is more like those who have lost the election for that office than the ones who won.The closest might be Bush 1,but thats a stretch.He's tough and older yet young enough to still fight hand to hand and win !!!He's the right man we never seem to get in the real world.Oh,and the bad guys.Real bad.Gary Oldman plays Ivan Korshunov a loyal follower to a internal squabble between mother Russia and one of the former USSR republics Kazakhstan.Not important because the whole highjacking of air force one that this film is built around is unbelievable.Its the acting and "gezz I wish we had that sort of President "is why I  recommending this film.
President Ford I salute you.

The President of the USA goes to Moscow and gives a stirring speech outlining the USA's new "Zero-tolerance" policy with respect to terrorism. On the flight home, terrorists take over Air Force One (the President's official plane) and take the passengers (including his wife and daughter) hostage. The terrorists plan to execute one hostage every half-hour unless/until their demands are met. However, the President is a former Medal of Honor winner, so the terrorists may be in for a surprise... Written by Afterburner <>

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