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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hemingway & Gellhorn - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Another fine HBO film.This years release 2012,at a long 155 gets 1 stars knocked off for  nude love scenes ( Nicole,your better than that,even if it is HBO ) and length and not really telling us more about this tortured relationship.Then why see it?Oddly enough for the very reason that it does take on so much history through this relationship and to learn something about Martha Gellhorn,played by Nicole Kidman,who was the third of "papa's"4 wives.Papa of course is Ernest Hemingway,played by Clive Owen.We all know of papa's service in WW1 and later becoming arguably his generations "larger than life"writer ala Mark Twain.What is lesser known is the relationship with Martha.What is so very interesting and sad at the same time is the fact that both died at their own hands.Papa is shown in the film BUT we are left with Martha still plugging along when in fact she killed herself in 1998.So the history that is shown to fill out Martha's role as a war correspondent is the real interest here.Her bearing witness to wars hell is almost unimaginable.The film doesn't even touch the 30+ years of conflicts she covered after papa's death.Like Nam,the Middle East,Bonia,ect. Those alone would be more than a life's work.These are also events we remember for the most part.However the film starts with the Spanish Civil War.,than Russia's invasion of Finland.Japans invasion of Manchuria where Papa and Martha meet both Chiang Kai-shek AND Zhou Enlai. Than on to the invasion of Europe and ending at the German death camps.More than any human should ever see and perhaps thats why both killed themselves when they couldn't live with each other.Sometimes seeing what should never be seen and than seeing it more intensely time after time,makes for intense love that also can never be sustained in the same sad way.
Trailer URL follows the pix.See it for history that never should be forgotten.

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