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Friday, February 24, 2012

Pure Country - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1992 and running a little long at 112 minutes I really wanted to like this movie much more than did.As it is however it's only 50-50 and really for die hard George Strait and country fans only.I'm sorry but he is a far better singer than actor and the story is corny as Kansas corn.Also they wast Lesley Ann Warren as Lula Rogers and over use Isabel Glasser as Harley Tucker .But thats just me,you can do FAR worse.Check it out.Trailer follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Dusty Chandler (Strait) is a super star in the country music world, but his shows have the style of a '70s rock concert. One day he takes a walk - out of his overdone concerts to find his real country roots. He's helped and hindered by friends and staff, but pushes on in his search for a real music style as well as a real romance. Written by Don Femia <>

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