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Friday, February 3, 2012

Underworld - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Very interesting film.I had to take 2 stars off because it really made little sense till the second hour of the film and then only if you accept there will be sequels.So much graphic violence it becomes almost comic at times.Still the story of Vamps vs Wolves is fun ( see the twilight series of films) In this case we have my favorite bad ass actress Kate Beckinsale as Selene a  Vamp warrior who hunts and tracks Wolves or as this film calls them Lycan's,to kill them in a 1000 year old ongoing war.Details are confused till the second half and then takes on a almost modern story of slaves and honor killings.Reminded me of the troubled middle east in many ways.If your a real die hard vamp or wolf fan you should check it out or if you like badd ass women warriors in tight black leather than YES.Fine top notch cast as well.Released in 2003 and runs long at 212 minutes,I will check out the 3 more films in this series though this most likely will be the best as the first history tell us.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Selene, a beautiful vampire warrior, is entrenched in a war between the vampire and werewolf races. Although she is aligned with the vampires, she falls in love with Michael, a werewolf who longs for the war to end.

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