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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Road House - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Only took one star off because we have seen this story 100 times and the women in it have 80's big hair making it slightly dated.released in 1989 and running 114 minutes the story is the old one ,man fights the good fight alone and with honor and FINALLY has the showdown with the bad guy after his only friend in the world is killed.Sounds like
"Shane "and many more movies before and since.But wait !! Our good guy is Patrick Swayze and the bad guy is Ben Gazzara and instead of the old west its modern day "road houses"places were people gather to have a "good time"The "cooler"is the lone wolf like sheriff and his "deputies"are the bouncers and the owner is mayor like.The townsfolk are the patrons and business area owners and the "bad"is a rich man who"runs"the towm through violence and bribes and a bad"posse"Silly but this film pulls it off and I LIKE it.A dirty pleasure and my personnel Swayze favorite movie plus the music is good as well.A little nudity but still bad ass fighting, right vs wrong,old style "western" movie.Trailer follows the pix.By the way as folks who have heard of Swayze's character meat him they always say,thought you'd be taller.Like in "Escape from NY,when meeting Snake they would say,heard you were dead.

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