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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Windtalkers - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

After seeing "Red Tails"it was time to revisit this release from 2002 running a little long at 134 minutes.Took 1 and 1/2 stars off for that and cop-ing out to mix in a story for Nick Cage that takes over the film at times and lessens the impact of what it should have been, telling the story of Navajo Marines who use their native language as an unbreakable radio cypher. The true story of the heroics of native Americans is as little known as the Black American in that distant war and as the survivors are dying of old age,its a tale that should be documented before its lost forever.This film is a WEAK  first attempt and one can only hope someone like Spielberg or Lucas will honor their memory before its lost forever.
On the surface the film has enough rousing action to entertain and does attempt to tell the story of the code the Japs couldn't break thanks to the Navajo.Still there is only the tease at the racism of the day as Cage is ordered to protect the code even it that means killing his Navajo windtalker rather than let the Japs take him prisoner. Imagine giving a marine such a order today !!! Ever hear of "Fragging"?  Still you should see it if only to known there was more to native americans involvement than the tragic story of "Drunken Ira Hayes "that I trust you already know.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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