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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Once upon a time in Mexico - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Robert Rodriguez really became BIG time after he directed Johnny Depp as Sands in this final part of a trilogy about hit man as Mariachi.The first film was a low budget film with unknown actors but the second cast Antonio Banderas as El Mariachi who returns to finish the trilogy.The story is kinda goofy but the acting is well over the top and gives the film a crazy comic book like appeal.My two favorite parts of the film are,
1) Johnny Depp stating to another"Are you a Mexican or a Mexicant?"
2) There are 3 "Mexican's"saving the presidents life and he asks"Who are you guys?"
Now the "in" joke is NONE of those 3 are REALLY  Mexicans but Banderas,who is from Spain,answers as he wraps himself in a Mexican flag"Sons of Mexico, sir. "the other two actors were born in Spain and Italy.
So if you like over the top action flicks this is for you.Released in 2003 it runs 102 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix and below is a summary from IMDB but thats not important :)

In this sequel to 'Desperado', a Mexican drug lord pretends to overthrow the Mexican government, and is connected to a corrupt CIA agent who at that time, demands retribution from his worst enemy to carry out the drug lord's uprising against the government. Written by Anonymous

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