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Monday, August 29, 2011

Forget Paris - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Perhaps my favorite comedy of all time.Picture Billy Crystal as NBA referee Mickey Gordon and Debra Winger as a airline official ,Ellen Andrews Gordon who he falls in love with.Can't?Well add just about every NBA superstar from the 90's in on court cameos around Crystals character and you see the possibility.My favorite NBA cameo was Spud Webb.He's standing next to Crystal who remarks your the only player I can relate to.For you non NBA fans just remember everyone is over 6 ft 6 in and Crystal is under 5 1/2 ft and so is Spud.Debra shows remarkable comic timing and you gotta see the scene she has a pigeon stuck on mouse trap paper STUCK to the side of her face.
Basically Crystal's father has died and wished to be buried in France where many of the guys he fought with in WW11 were buried.Once in France the airline lost the casket and thats how he meets Debra.The story is told thru flashbacks at a restaurant by Joe Mantegna  as Andy to Cynthia Stevenson as Liz his fiance.The rest of the cast is outstanding and a  memorable small but scene stealing  Robert Costanzo as the Waiter.
I can find no fault at all,even if you care nothing about the NBA,the short on court cameos are funnier than any I've ever seen a pro athletic do before.Released in 1995 in runs 101 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix.

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