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Saturday, August 13, 2011

The American - 1/2 star out of 5 stars

This might be the worse movie I've seen in 20+ years !!!!!The only reason it gets 1/2 star is George Clooney.Released in 2010 and running 107 minutes,the film makes "O" sense.
It opens with Clooney in a mountain lodge with a woman presumably after sex.Then as they walk outside someone is shooting at them,Clooney warns her to go back to the cabin and call the police after he shoots the shooter.As she leaves he shoots HER in the back and then get's a second shooter.Next he's calling someone on the phone and hiding out in a mountain village in Italy.Why?Who is he?Who was she??Why did the 2 guys go after him?Whose the guy he talked to and seemed to work for??Get the picture?You won't get any answers and Clooney going to a whore house?PLEASE !!Again,lost 1 and 1/2 hours of my life I'll never get back.Trailer URL after pix,but DON"T waste your time.

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