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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School - 4 stars out of 5 stars

A classic should see at least once comedy film.For me its the late great Rodney Dangerfield's, asThornton Melon,best film.Strangely Keith Gordon as Jason Melon,his son,didn't work for me and that's why I took 1 star off.Some inspired casting round out the film with Sally Kellerman,Burt Young,Robert Downey Jr.,and many others.Released in 1986 and only running 96 short minutes,its storyline is comic and only a master comic like Dangerfield could pull it off.It's the comic story of a rich guy who goes back to college as a new student to help his son get through and finish what he had started years before,the EASY way.Just the idea of a fat middle aged man trying to mix in with young 20 somethings is funny enough but when he bring a construction company in to re do the dorm room,well…………
This is not animal house or a knock off thereof.What it is,is a from the bootstrap to the corporate tower rise of a common man who runs business with that same common man attitude who is now mixing with the college scene as a kid but a kid with the success the REAL kids are going there to learn to be.The discussion he has in  class about building a factory is hilarious as the professor is "corrected"by Rodney as he explains how palms have to be greased for building permits and "the teamsters have to get their cut before any cement is poured"Rodney also was a high diver ??? Steals a female (Kellerman)professor from a stuffy male one,ect.My favorite is Rodney dancing to the beetles version of twist and shout.  Trailer URL follows pix

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