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Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Joneses - 4 stars out of 5 stars

A good"black comedy "is hard to find.The last real good one I saw was"heathers"which I'll review at a later date.The only issue with this one is timing.Released in 2009 and running 96 minutes, the script obviously was conceived right before the economic bubble burst and the "blackness"is thus replaced sadly,as nostalgia.Thats why I took 1 star off.
Picture the perfect family.Husband and wife and teen daughter and son.Pretty,smart ,charismatic  and most off all,they HAVE the best of everything.Home furnishings,clothes,gadgets ,the works.Only its not what it seems.Rather than "keeping up with  the jones"the"JONES"are not a real family.They are the new sales force of the future.They live amongst us in secret making us like them and thus wanna be like them.Buy what they have to keep up !!!!The family is not a family but 4 independent contractors who live off the sales coming from their area of the products they use.BUT into this sales family creeps issues that real families have.How??Well thats why you watch the movie as well as to study what length  companies will go to for sales.You doubt that??Softer ideas already here auto leasing and secret shoppers and beta testers.So next time you want to "keep up with the Joneses"make sure they own what they have so the field is level.The cast fits so i'm buying this little gem.The trailer URL follows the pix.

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