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Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Toy - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1982 and running 102 minutes this movie couldn't be made today because we live in a political correct society.That said,it was made and in a sense disappoints because its teases and then holds back in many.Therefore its not as good as another film I reviewed called"Carbon Copy"or for that matter even,"Blazing Saddles"which I also reviewed, but what makes it worth watching is the two stars,comic geniuses we shall never see again,  Jackie Gleason as fat cat U.S. Bates  and  Richard Pryor as a struggling young black,Jack Brown. Also just the idea of saying, as young actor  Scott Schwartz does as Jackie's spoiled young son Eric Bates ,says about Richard,"Buy me that black man",and Gleason in the tradition rich makes poor do anything for money,DOES,shows how far this film dares to go,but still stops short,so thats why I took 1 and 1/2 stars off.Simply put,thats the storyline,spoiled kid gets rich dad to buy him a toy/friend/companion.What the surface story is the rich dad and spoiled brat can't connect and the poor black shows them how.Now,thats silly and well not worth the time.Add Pryor's talent of making you cringe when you see how bad we can be to each other thru his comedic eye than add Jackie's brutal almost vile comedy style and a match made in heaven or hell for that matter,leaves you wanting much,much more.Still,better than most of the silliness turned out today. Recommended for those starved for hard edge humor.Trailer URL follows the picture.

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