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Monday, March 25, 2013

Anna Karenina (1935) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

2012 saw a bunch of films including a remake of this 1935 classic so before I see that,I had to see this first as well as a Russian version made in 1967.I shall review all 3 in a few days,starting with this most acclaimed version of Leo Tolstoy classic novel of a Russian Imperial Society's  extramarital love affair. Having never read his classic novel but being of  partial Russian heritage,I looked forward very much to this release that ran only 95 minutes and starred two of that era's great stars as the illicit couple, Greta Garbo as Anna Karenina and  Fredric March as Vronsky.Let me say,I was disappointed and took 1 and 1/2 stars off.Off course being in B&W cost 1/2 star,but I took the other full star off because  in the end although it"felt"Russian and was well acted,it was a simple tale of adultery and I have always heard that Tolstoy never wrote a "simple"story about anything,lest of all royal society.So,while it was a "bucket list MUST see"you might want more as I did.We will see what the other two versions are like and there are maybe 5 MORE versions and a BBC miniseries !!!!If anything ever said "READ THE BOOK"the list of film versions screams it loud and clear.The trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

The married Anna Karenina falls in love with Count Vronsky despite her husband's refusal to grant a divorce, and both must contend with the social repercussions.

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